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Guided Reading

Guided Reading


In Year 5/6 we follow a Whole Class Reading approach, this approach uses high quality resources; giving children access to texts which they may not always choose themselves. It was implemented to accelerate the children’s comprehension skills, vocabulary knowledge and to continue with our promotion of a love of reading. The lessons use news articles, movie trailers, video clips, picture books, graphic novels, fiction and non-fiction and poetry.  This is a new approach (Summer 2022) and is being monitored by the class teacher to assess its impact with the idea of rolling this out to LKS2in Autumn 2022.

The class completes whole class reading 3times a week (Mon-Wed) for 30 minutes at a time and a reading for pleasure session Thursday morning. The texts will include the class reader, topics around a current topical theme or a theme relating to their topic.


In Lower Key Stage 2, whole class reading also takes place with specific guided reading lessons. A big emphasis is placed on reading for pleasure and broadening vocabulary. The children have a reading session 3 times a week (Mon-Wed).


Guided reading takes place with small groups of children, texts are chosen to link to letter sounds and topics. This is completed using a carousel system with 2 groups reading with an adult every day and others completing reading for pleasure. Reading sessions are timetabled in 4 times per week (Mon, Tue, Thurs and Fri).