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Malorie Blackman Class

email Mrs Hodgson:

(Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to the Year 3/4 Class page. This year, each teacher has chosen an influential figurehead as our class name. As a Church of England school, we feel that it is important to give the children inspirational people to aspire to; people who have challenged the ideals of others and people who have made an impact on the lives of many. The Y3/4 literary courageous advocate for 2024/2025 is Malorie Blackman, a fabulous author and a prominent campaigner for greater diversity in children's literature.

Malorie Blackman, author


Have a look at the documents below to find out more about what Y3/4 are learning this year. We are currently on Cycle 1, for which topic webs will be uploaded half-termly. Documents for Cycle 2 (2023-2024 and 2025-2026) are also available.



Homework due 16.10.24
Your homework group is on a piece of paper stapled in the front of your homework book.
Purple/Green: pgs 20-21

Yellow/Red: pgs 20-21 (NB We are missing Small Steps 5-9)

All children should have brought home a maths homework book. Maths homework should be handed in on Wednesdays. Every week, details for the pages of work children should complete will be uploaded to this page. The first task will be set on 11.9.24 and due the following week.

Spellings for the year are stuck in the front of your child's homework book (there is also a copy of the plan at the bottom of this page - most children are on Stage 3 or Stage 4). Spellings will be tested weekly on a Friday by Mrs Booker. Spellings should be practised at home either on paper or using Spelling Shed (log in details are in the front of reading records). We also complete work related to spellings every morning Monday-Thursday. Some children who attend phonics interventions might also have some additional words to practise for Mrs Nicholson.



Reading remains a fundamental part of the curriculum in Y3/4 and it is crucial that children practise reading regularly in order to continue to build their reading speed and stamina, as well as their comprehension skills. The Y3/4 curriculum expects that children read a wide range of genres and are able to access chapter books. We encourage all children to read 4 times a week and to record this in their reading records.

If your child is reading colour-banded books or phonics books, they will also bring home one of these books as well as a separate Reading Challenge book. This year we are keeping their Reading Challenge sheets in school. Some children will read their Reading Challenge book themselves but this can also be read to children by an adult.

Once children reach around Lime level for reading, they will bring home only a Reading Challenge book. They should read this independently or aloud to an adult, rather than having it read to them/.

Children take part it reading fluency sessions after lunch most afternoons, during which time Mrs Hodgson and Miss Sutton will hear your child read. Children are also heard regularly reading in other lessons. If you would like to discuss your child's reading book, please do just get in contact.